Is There Anything LTL Companies Won’t Carry?

One question that seems to come up from time to time regarding LTL companies is whether or not there is any kind of freight that they will not carry.  This is a reasonable question as not everyone ships boxes of tissues. There is a simple answer to this question, even if it really does not answer the question in quite the way you wanted it to be answered.

Now to reduce this confusion to a simple statement, all of the LTL companies we recommend here at LTL Freight Shipping make their own decisions what they will and will not carry in their trucks. This decision is based on what their licensed and insurance policies cover as well as what licenses and certifications their drivers have. If you are planning to ship hazardous or unusual products, you will need to contact each carrier until you find one that is prepared to handle your shipments.


2. Shipping To

Zip/Postal Code

Extra services here?

1. Shipping From

Zip/Postal Code

Extra services here?

Trade Show Pickup

3. Type

4. Items to be shipped


Total Wt. (lbs)
Freight Class
Dimensions in Inches (l x w x h)

Description of Goods:

Additional Comments

Company Name

First Name

Phone No.


Last Name